Legal information is published by High Spirit Lodges - Mauritius

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Limited company with reg. capital of 18,500 Euros
231 rue Saint-Honoré
75001 Paris - France
RCS PARIS B 334 580 800

Legal information
Personal data protection – French data protection act
CNIL declaration number: pending
Pursuant to the French data protection act of 6 January 1978, you have a right to access, modify, delete and oppose the use of the data concerning you. If you wish to exercise these rights, please write to us at
We agree not to communicate information concerning you to third parties unless you authorise us to do so.

The use of cookies
Cookies are used to facilitate and customise your access to our online services. You are free to accept or refuse cookies by configuring your browser accordingly. Cookies are anonymous and are in no cases used to collect personal data.
Additionally, we keep a trace of connections to our websites and their origin. This information is used for statistical analyses and subsequently destroyed.

Information for users
The user declares that he accepts the characteristics and limitations of the Internet and particularly acknowledges:
• that he is aware of the nature of the Internet and in particular of its technical performance and response times to consult, view or transfer data and information;
• that should the user make his log in details available to a third-party or more generally any information considered by the user as private or confidential, he does so at his own risk;
• that it is the user’s responsibility to take all appropriate measures to protect his own data and/or software from contamination by any possible viruses circulating on the Internet;
• that the data circulating on the Internet may be governed or restricted in terms of its use or protected by property rights.
More generally, the user assumes sole liability for the choice, use and interpretation of the data he consults, views and transfers on the Internet and the use of the online services proposed by

Minimum system requirements

Users of the website acknowledge that they possess the necessary skills and resources to access and use this website. Access to the and its use are subject to the minimum following system requirements:
The website is optimised for a resolution of 1900 X 1200, for the following browsers:Internet Explorer 10 and above, Firefox 3, Chrome and Safari. The user confirms that he has checked that his computer system contains no viruses and is in good operational condition.