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The Mitsio archipelago

The Mitsio archipelago is a volcanic archipelago comprised of main island, La Grande Mitsio inhabited by fishermen and stock rearers, along with a host of smaller white sandy islands bordered by incredible creeks and lush vegetation,such as Les Quatre Frères and Ankarea...

To the south of La Grande Mitsio, a number of splendid basalt columns emerge from the earth, giving the site a magical atmosphere (with the long stems of these brown vertical and geometric rocks reaching up several dozen metres ). Numerous bird species nest among the rocks and you’ll spot frigate birds, cormorants, moorhens and fish eagles. The water is crystal-clear on Mitsio, enabling you to see what’s going on under the water to a depth of several metres. A superb break with breathtaking landscapes!

Access depends on the time of year and the sea conditions.